A blessed day to you, friend! I'm so glad to share a week's worth of short prayers for us to pray together.
I like to start every day with the Lord's Prayer, and I pray throughout the day for various needs. But sometime during my workday, I like to pause and just spend a moment apart—a little time to re-orient my thoughts, a brief respite to center my thoughts once again on God.
If that sounds like something that would be nourishing to your soul, too, I'd love for you to join me. Here are small prayers to share for each day of the week.
Pause for prayer: Lord, the world contains so much that is bad, but you are good. We worship you. We praise you and thank you for being worthy of worship: immensely kind, thoroughly loving, completely good. Blessed be your name, now and forever. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as we begin this week, we ask your help to approach everything we do in loving humility. Help us not be deceived into feelings of self-righteousness. Instead, may we regard one another as fellow pilgrims, extending grace just as we have received it. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, our calendars are bursting; our to-do lists are overflowing; our headlines are alarming. We need know that you are God, but we’re finding it hard to be still. Quiet our hearts, we ask. Calm our minds. Remind us of your great strength and love. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, the week is halfway over, and our work and worries seem to multiply—but your grace abounds all the more. Thank you for the way you care for us. Even when we feel overwhelmed, help us never to forget your constant love for us and presence with us. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you are the source of strength and peace. But now we are weary and we are fretful. Help us once again, we ask. Provide what we need, help us to be thankful and generous, and teach us that peace comes from reliance on you rather than on ourselves. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as this week draws to a close, help us to practice gratitude for what we’ve been able to do instead of obsessing over what we haven’t. Thank you for giving us grace to face challenges as they arise. Help us now to impart grace to one another. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we thank you that we can bring all our concerns and anxieties to you. Thank you for caring about the whole world and about each of our individual struggles. We know that you are good, you are with us and for us, and you are able to help us. Thank you. Amen.
I like to imagine all of us pausing to pray these prayers at some point during each day. Will you join me?
Grace and peace to you this week!

Thank you for these little prompts, Richella. I keep them on my phone each week. ♥