I am being blessed by following a rhythm of posting little "pauses for prayer" for each day of the week. I hope that it's a blessing for you, too! I'd love to have you join me in short prayer every day.
I like to start every day with the Lord's Prayer, and I pray throughout the day for various needs. But sometime during my workday, I like to pause and just spend a moment apart—a little time to re-orient my thoughts, a brief respite to center my thoughts once again on God.
If that sounds like something that would be nourishing to your soul, too, I'd love for you to join me. Here are small prayers to share for each day of the week.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you are all-powerful, but you never abuse your power. Instead, you are near to the broken-hearted. Your heart is ever inclined to the suffering. Help us to become more like you: to eschew power, to love selflessly, and pour ourselves out for others. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as we begin this week, we ask for grace to do our work well. Help us with our priorities: show us what is most important and what can be done later, given to others, or left undone. Strengthen us to do what we must and to trust you with everything. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we are grateful that we can bring everything to you. Thank you for caring for us so lovingly, no matter what we’re concerned about. We want to become more like you, so that we can care lovingly for one another. Help us, we pray. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, even as we remember that we are dust, help us now to live—not with heaviness of despair, but in understanding the weight of glory we hold as your image-bearers. Help us to make the most of the time we have to love you and to love one another well. Amen
Pause for prayer: Lord, as we survey the landscape of constant conflict, we are tempted to cynicism or despair. But you offer us a different way: a way of faith, hope, and love; a path of righteousness, peace, and joy. Thank you for your grace. Help us walk with you. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as this week ends, we know we need rest. Yet the world is filled with so much unrest, it’s hard to settle our minds and spirits. We ask your blessing on the hurting and the vulnerable. Show us how to help them. Help us to trust you in all things. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, in the words of your friend Trevor Hudson, "thank you for being the Light that shines into the darkness and has not been put out. Shine your Light into those dark places of our lives and our world that we may live in the surrounding darkness with faith, hope and love." Amen.
I love to picture in my mind's eye all of us pausing to pray these prayers at some point during each day. Won't you join me?
Grace and peace to you this week!

Absolutely love this! Sharing with my aunt.
Thanks so much for sharing, Alexandra!