Monday, April 11

Prayer request

Dear friends,

I am writing this just before 10:00 P.M. on Monday, April 11. I am at Duke University Hospital with my husband, Jack.

Many of you already know that Jack will undergo open-heart surgery tomorrow, April 12. His nurse just came to tell us that she'll wake us at 4:00 A.M. tomorrow and we should expect to go to pre-op around 4:30-5:00 A.M. The scheduled start time for Jack's surgery is 7:00 A.M. The surgery will probably take six to eight hours.

I want to share with you a verse of scripture that a number of different people have commended to me as we face this ordeal tomorrow:

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).

I find it amazingly encouraging that so many people from so many different quarters have all pointed me to these words of comfort. As Jack goes into surgery, I will be clinging to these words and to the promise they represent.

I so appreciate your prayers for my Jack, for our boys, and for me. Thank you for helping us bear this burden.


  1. May god give you the strength and guide you through this hard time. Your husband will be in safe hands, and I will be praying for his speedy recovery!

    God Bless!

  2. this is just one example of God's magnificent care for HIS people. To the degree that He is amazing, and awesome and strong...HE will also care for you and your family. Praying for your husband and his doctors, and for you and your boys/family. May you know the peace that surpasses ALL comprehension!


  3. Hello, I've never commented on your blog before - but I do read it!

    I will be praying for both you and your husband tomorrow morning. We can do anything through Christ who gives us strength!

  4. Prayers, prayers, and more prayers are coming your way. I cannot stop thinking about you. I just put something up on my blog to have my readers pray for you as well--hope that's o.k.!

    Sending much love to you, my friend.

  5. I am praying for your husband, you, and your family. You are in my thoughts! Trust in God.

  6. Praying that He brings peace and assurance to each of you tomorrow!!!

  7. I'm praying Richella! What a touching and beautiful photo of you two.

    Warmly, ~Melissa

  8. I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that the Lord will give you peace as you wait through the surgery and for a speedy recovery for your husband.

  9. Praying for God's peace to surround you and your family during this time.

  10. Have been/Will be praying.
    Thanks for allowing us to be a part of what God is going to do.
    May you & your boys really understand "His" Peace tomorrow as you wait.
    Please keep us posted.

  11. Oh Richella, praying hard for your whole family tonight. That your hubby will come through fabulously and you will have strength through it all! Love you!

  12. I will be praying for your husband, you & your precious boy's. Hold on to your faith in the Lord & he will keep you strong. Bless you.

  13. Praying for you all, Richella. I know that God is holding you in his arms. Keep us posted on Jack's progress. In His Love, Carla

  14. Praying for you and your husband and for the doctors who will be doing the surgery. May the Lord grant you both strength in this difficult time. I have had two sons who had open heart surgery. It is amazing how the Lord wraps his arms around you and gives you his strength and love in trials.

  15. I found myself thinking of you several times today! My prayers are with you & your family. May the hours pass quickly tomorrow!

  16. I will be thinking of your whole family. Prayers for you, your husband and boys are on their way.

  17. Richella, you and Jack are in my prayers. That is the perfect scripture to contemplate in this anxious hour. I'm sure all will go well, but my heart is with you today and tomorrow.
    ~ Kate

  18. holding you and yours close to my heart tonight. My prayers are with you all...j

  19. Praying...I know that only the Lord can truly comfort us in these times. So glad He promise to be with us!

  20. Dear Richella, I will be praying for you both - wishing a successful surgery!

  21. Prayers have been said for Jack and your family.

  22. Dear Richella I'll be praying for you both. Praying you'll feel peace and comfort.
    Shelia ;)

  23. Praying for you all. God be with you.Praying for your staff at hospital and doctors, Emelia.

  24. Saying a prayer for you and your husband, and thanking God for doctors that have the skill to do these operations.
    The peace of the Lord to you as you wait.

  25. Praying for your family and the doctors.

    God Bless :)

  26. I pray for you, Jack and your boys.

    A long time silent reader.

  27. May you feel the prayers of God's people surrounding you and lifting you up.


  28. Thank you for giving me and so many others the opportunity to pray on your families behalf. My prayers are for your husband and sons. And for you to have peace through this challenge. That you feel Gods hand in your life in the days to come. Lifting you up, wrapping you in His arms, giving you strenth. May God bless the doctors and nurses who are caring for your husband.

  29. Richella, I am keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Big Hugs!

  30. Praying for you and your family. His grace is sufficient for you.

  31. I came over from Emily's place at Chatting at the Sky. Just in the bit I've seen, you are indeed full of grace. Beautiful. I'm praying for your dear man, for you and for your boys. May you feel the reality of the Lord's peace through the night tonight.

  32. Found your blog through Emily's blog (chatting at the sky). I don't know your whole situation (haven't done any back reading yet), but my husband also has heart issues. So I certainly understand where you are. Praying for peace tonight for all of you, for the Lord to guide the hands of the doctors and give them wisdom, and for a safe and speedy recovery. Lord bless!

  33. Also came from Chatting at the Sky. Prayers for your family are going up. God Bless.

  34. Richella - I'm praying and praying and praying. God is with you and your family watching over your husband and his team of top notch professionals. I will look for an update tomorrow that will tell us of another miracle that He has bestowed upon us!

    Ann Marie

  35. Praying for Jack, you, your family and for the doctors and nurses who will attend him. Praying that God will bring peace and comfort as you wait.

  36. Coming over by way of Emily's blog. I have prayed for your husband, you and your kiddos tonight and I will continue to do so.

  37. I am hopped over to your blog from emily at Chatting at the Sky. I have been through 2 open heart surgeries with my dad. I am praying for your husband and you and your boys today. As well as the doctors and nurses caring for your husband. I pray you feel God's presence leading you, carrying you, through this day, especially during the 5-6 hours of waiting. I love to see God's hand at work at for you to receive that scripture today is His gift to you. Cling to it! Know He is holding you, loving you, He is with you every step of the way!

  38. Will be praying for a successful surgery and people there to hold you up during this hard day. Praying for the doctors who will perform the surgery. Praying that all of this is in God's might hands and HE IS ABLE!
    Be blessed!

  39. May God drench you all - both you and your husband, and all those who'll be involved in this surgery in whatever small capacity is required of them - with his strength and spirit. I pray you may have the courage to lay all your worries and fears at His feet and place full control of this time in His hands.

    I was watching the movie "Facing the Giants" the other night, and one of the characters gives the following sentiment - one of my favorites, and one I pray may help to give you comfort...

    "In God's Word, he said 365 times "Do NOT Fear"! If he says it THAT many times, you KNOW he's serious about it!"

    I will be praying for you all. God Bless!

  40. Praying for you this morning, right now. God HOLDS you both---I know you know that. Will remember you throughout the day.

  41. His power is greatest in our weakness. May you experience peace and comfort as you wait and may He give wisdom, skill and healing to the doctors as they perform this delicate surgery.

  42. Will definitely be praying for you and your family. I know that God will hold each of you in His strong and loving Arms.

  43. I just now saw your prayer request at the exact time your Jack is to have his surgery. I know God spoke to my heart to read your blog at this hour as it is not my usual routine. I have prayed for Jack, you and your family. I am only about 30 minutes from where the surgery is taking place, and in my heart I am there also. I know from my own experience that doctors can do miraculous things with the knowledge that God has gifted them with. Rest assured in God's peace.

  44. Will be praying throughout the day!

  45. I pray for your strength, your children's' understanding and your husband's heart!!! Godspeed...

  46. praying for you!!

  47. Privileged to pray peace, comfort, wisdom, relief from anxiety, guided hands, healing, quick recovery, closeness, strength, help, living long on the earth and joy.

  48. Amazing! I just read Isiah 41:10 before checking out Chatting at the sky, and then coming here. He is so very good, prayers have been sent.

  49. Adding my prayers on your behalf to the One who is both with you right now, and working all things out for His glory.

    May you sense His strong presence with you.

  50. He's got you in his hands! Praying for your very long day to be filled with peace and hidden blessings. Breath.

  51. I too am over from Emily's. It is 7:21 so hopefully your husband is in surgery at this moment. I am praying for God's blessings on you, your family, and all the medical people that are placed in your lives. Know that there are many of us who are wrapping our arms around you all.

  52. It's 7:21 here in Boston, and I'm thinking of and praying for you, your husband, and your boys. He is with you. Always. God bless!

  53. Praying and thankful that you have the comfort that can only come from our Father and Redeemer.

  54. Came your way through Chatting at the Sky....

    Thought of these verses when I read of your trial:
    "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you... The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." ~ Deut. 31:6,8

    Praying from the other side of the world that you will know His peace and presence today and that you will feel His arms in an unexplainable, amazing way.

  55. Praying for your husband and for you, Richella. I know the surgery has probably begun by now. We will hold you up in prayer as you wait patiently.

    Isaiah 41:10 is one of the first verses I taught my children in kindergarten when they were dealing with fear. "Fear not, I am with you" rings out in those trying situations and He always comforts. Be comforted now.

  56. Richella, I'm praying right now for Jack and for the doctors who are tending to him. And I'm praying that you will find peace and comfort in the presence of Jesus--you are loved.

  57. I read about you on Chatting with the Sky and I lift you and your precious husband and kids to the Lord in prayer. May His mighty healing hand cover Jack completely and restore him to excellent health. In the precious name of Jesus.

  58. by faith we are holding your arms up..praying with you..stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes....

  59. I ran across your blog thru Chatting With the Sky. I am praying for your husband.

  60. I read about you from Emily at Chatting at the Sky and just wanted to let you know that prayers for you and your family are on my lips and in my heart today from Danville, IL.

  61. Though the surgery is underway, I pray that the peace that passes our understanding surrounds you and your family this day. How wonderful to know the Creator and Healer of our bodies is watching over the very spot where you are! I pray you are able to know His presence as he works through the medical staff to restore your husband to good health. God bless you!

  62. Praying right now for you, your husband and family.
    May the God of Peace reassure you of His presence and care during this time. God Bless.

  63. I am praying for him and all of you right now.

  64. Praying that the Lord's presence would surround you and Jack as He guides the surgeons hands. Also that your heart's would be at peace knowing how great is His love for you.

  65. Praying for you and Jaco now, Richella!

  66. Praying strength & comfort & direction for those Dr's hands. Be blessed! We're praying!

  67. Came over from Emily's blog - will be praying for your family today. May God's peace and love surround all of you!

  68. praying for you, the surgeons, Jack and your boys this very moment sweet friend.

  69. Oh sweet friend - I am affirming all these other prayers, knowing that the ONE who knows every intimate details of that heart will guide the surgeon's hands.

    We love you and are standing in the gap through prayer for your family.

    xoxo Jen

  70. praying for you to have strength, the surgeons to have skilled hands, and for all of you to be recovering together soon.


  71. I'm stopping by from Emily's blog and just wanted to say that God's got this. :) How wonderful to have so many people thinking of you and your husband today. I know there is the Lord's presence. This week, my memory verse is Psalm 55:22, so I thought I'd share it here. Praying!
    blessings and hope, cat (
    Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken

  72. I'm praying for your husband and your family today!

  73. 7 praying in VA~we put his name on the prayer roll at the temple as well. We love you, sweet girl! xxoo

  74. Praying for you and your family.

  75. Praying for Jack, You and the boys, here in Latvia. He knows the plans He has for all of you to give you hope and a future, He never harms but He does prosper His beloved children. May His peace be very real as you rest in Him.
    Blessings, Kathleen

  76. On my knees for your husband and your family...God's grace be with you all.

  77. Praying for you and your family, knowing the Great Physician has Jack in the palm of His hand. Oh, how He loves you!

  78. God of Heaven and Earth grant wisdom and knowledge to the doctors and peace to the hearts loved ones and a swift recovery for Jack. Thank you Jesus for your amazing Grace and favour in every area of our life... Amen

  79. Praying to our God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine for strength and healing!

  80. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear...God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when the morning dawns...The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress..."Be still and know that I am God.." The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. (Psalm 46:1,2,5,7,10,11 - ESV)

    Praying for you and your family today.

  81. Praying for God's blessings on you all.

  82. Praying for you and your family.


  83. Oh, dear one...I'm praying for Jack, you and all touched by his surgery.

    ...for wisdom and steady hands by his surgeons and caregivers...

    ...for shield from fear as doubts start to knock....

    ...for grace and peace and a settled heart for you and your lovies...

    and for God to be glorified through your testimony to His presence in your lives.

    I wish I could bring you homemade sourdough, so if thoughts count, please know I care, am concerned and thankful in advance how I KNOW you'll walk this journey!


  84. So many prayers for you this morning, friend. Thinking of you every moment...

  85. Praying for you and your husband.

  86. I just prayed for you and your family, that your husband's surgery goes well, and also his recovery, and that God brings peace and consolation to you and your children.

    Blessings, Janet

  87. First time here (just looked at Emily's blog) Will be remembering you in prayer today from Scotland. xoxo

  88. Over here from Emily's place. Praying for you and Jack and His peace to abide with you today.

  89. Believing with you Isaiah 41:10 and praying that our almighty God will not only uphold you with His hands but keep His arms of comfort closely around you, your husband and your children this day and in the weeks of recuperation to come.
    Also believing Isaiah 53:5, ..."and by His wounds we (Jack) are (is) healed!" Amen
    Pray and blessings from
    in Tennessee

  90. Please hear the prayers of your people, Lord. Give them peace & comfort that can only come from You. Guide the surgeons, nurses and caregivers. You are the breath that flows through Jack's body. Fill him and his family with Your presence, Lord. In Jesus MIGHTY name, we pray. Amen.

  91. Praying for you here, all of you... for a healthy heart and strong spirits.

  92. May God bless your husband, you, and your family today andover the next weeks, that each of you will fill His strength and grace, and that you may all share Him with all you encounter through this opportunity He has allowed into your lives.
    Lovin' the Lord,

  93. I am praying for your husband and I am in Iowa. God will take care of him. I am very familiar as my father went thru a quadruple bypass and heart valve replacement three years ago. It is such major surgery but so common it seems and he is doing great just like your husband will. Just be patient and supportive with his recovery time. My father was so hard on himself because he couldn't do everything he could at first but now no different. Praying that God will lift your husband up and protect him during this surgery and praying for the surgeons performing. In faith dear sister.

  94. Add me to the list of people who are praying for Jack, for you and your family! I pray it all goes well and that he will recover nicely and life can be back to normal soon.

    Yes, camp on those verses and lean on the Lord!

    Love, Linda

  95. Praying for Jack, for the surgeons. Praying for you and your sons.

  96. May the peace that passes all understanding flow through your veins.

  97. Will be praying for your family during this day/month/year. God bless.

  98. Praying that's you'll feel God's love and close presence...that He'll protect your husband and be with your boys.

  99. Prayers for you and the family during this season...such a comforting verse that found you, prayers from California.

  100. Praying (in West Virginia) for you, your hubby & your family that all will be well in Jesus name!

  101. Jerm. 29:11, prayers for you, your family and all who come in contact with your husband during this time.

  102. Praying for you and your family

  103. Praying. Our God is awesome!

  104. Continuing to pray for you and your family.


  105. Praying for you and your husband. Peace to you.

  106. sending prayers from Canada. May God bless you with peace today.

  107. Praying for you through this difficult time. Praying for your husband's speedy recovery. God bless you.

  108. Safe in the Fathers arms. What a marvelous place to be! HE WILL BE GLORIFIED. YOU WILL BE STRENGTHENED. I will intercede on your behalf. Donna

  109. I'm joining my voice with these in prayer. :)

  110. Praying for you and your family. God is your comfort and strength. Press into Him.

  111. Emily shared your prayer request today, and I want you to know I will be praying for all of you. I pray all will go well and that His peace and presence will fill your hearts.

  112. Praying that God will give the doctor's skill, you and your boys peace, and your husband a successful outcome. God is good no matter what. Hugs-

  113. Oh, Richella! I'm so sorry y'all are going through this challenge. I have been there w my dad. He had open heart back when he was 51 ys old (quadruple) and did very well. From the photo, your hubby looks very healthy and fit, so I'm sure he will, too. I do know, though, how major the procedure and aftermath are. I know all too well. After the first day, things get much much better, usually pretty quickly. Please know he, you and your boys are in my thoughts and prayers!!! Psalm 103:3begins another wonderful passage for times such as these.

    Much love and many hugs,
    Laurie from

  114. Richella,
    Your husband is now 4 hours into his surgery and I am humbly joining this community to lift prayers to our Father on behalf of your family. My mind travels back 21 years ago when our first-born/first-adopted son had open heart surgery at Duke when he was 6 months old. I posted the following Scripture on Adam's door and I lift it to our Father today: "That they may know that it was Your hand, that You, O Lord did it." (Psalm 109:27)

  115. Praying for peace and strength for your precious family today.

    "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock." ~ Isaiah 26:3-4

  116. Richella, you are and your family, especially your husband, are in my prayers today. I love how you have such great faith in knowing that prayer really does make a difference. Isn't it a wonderful thing to know that we have a God that hears and listens to our pleas? What would we do without that knowledge. I love you and hope you feel peace that things are going to be okay. I'll be waiting to hear!

  117. Visiting from Chatting at the Sky. Praying for you and yours today. Knowing that Father has you close.

  118. Praying that God will give your husband a quick recovery - -and that God will give you the extra strength you need to get through the next several weeks of recovery. Praying that the boys will be blessed during this time as well

  119. Praying for you and your family!

  120. I'm offering a prayer now on your behalf. May God guide the hands and minds of the doctor and may God the Father hold you close in His arms as you wait.

  121. Just found you through Chatting at the Sky---I am at my desk at school--praying for you that our God, who is Healer and Peace and Strength, will be everything to you. May He be the lifter of your head. with love from Missouri

  122. God is with you! I am praying for peace to abound. That he would guide the hands of the surgeon. And for a full, quick, recovery!

  123. I jumped over here from chatting at the sky, and I just wanted to tell you that we're all praying! God holds the entire world in His hands, and Jesus holds all things together. He is our Provider and Sustainer! I love you, Richella! You and your family are covered in grace this morning <3 Be blessed!

  124. Prayers for your and your family.

  125. Praying for you, your family, and all involved in the surgery today. God bless you! {stopping by from Emily's}

  126. May the Lord protect you and your family this precious day and surround you in his light. God is with you every moment...holding your hand through this experience....he will not let you down!

    God bless you and your family!

  127. may the Lord bless you and keep you; may He cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace :)

  128. I heard about you on Emily's blog, and I'm praying for you all as well from Fort Lauderdale, FL. Be strong and courageous today. The Lord is with you and your family!

  129. I'm also praying for your husband and you and the family. Looking forward to Good News! :)

  130. Thinking of you and rooting for your family.

  131. Said a special prayer for all of you this morning - it was probably the most open, heartfelt "conversation" I've ever had with our Lord. The family will pray together this evening for all of you.


    Erin & Family

  132. Just came from Emily's blog...
    Prayed for you before commenting. Trusting with you that our God...Restorer, Redeemer, Rebuilder...the Great Physician... bring your husband through this surgery and recovery with His amazing power. And praying for a complete and full healing. To God be the glory!

    May your hearts and minds be in Christ Jesus and may you have His perfect peace.

  133. Richella,

    And beautiful family... I don't know you yet, but have discovered your family's situation from Emily at Chatting at the sky's blog. I will pray for you and your family today.. you are just right down the road and I am lifting up my hands to our God for you.

  134. Richella, you and your family are being upheld by so many many prayer warriors!
    I will be pray all through today especially for you and for the doctors and nurses.

  135. Praying for your husband and you and the family!

  136. Thoughts and prayers for your family today!

  137. Prayed for you and your dear husband. God's blessings and peace to you.

  138. I am praying for your family! "(She) will have no fear of bad news; (her) heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord" (psalm 112:7)

  139. I am also praying for your husband and you and your entire family today. Love another long time silent reader

  140. Hi Richella - De-lurking to say I am thinking about and praying for your family and all the doctors and staff that are caring for your husband. Wishing you peace beyond all understanding!

  141. Richella~
    Just hoping you and Jack are both doing well this afternoon? Any news?

    Been praying off and on throughout the day. I printed off one of your photos and whenever I look at it, I pray for you, Jack and your boys.


  142. There is a book by Charles Capps entitled 'God's Creative Power' that you may be interested in purchasing. In it, he has confessions for the heart and this is my prayer for your husband. 'Thank you Heavenly Father that Jack has a strong, clean, pure, honest, steadfast, and good heart. That Your blood flows to every cell of his body. That every heartbeat floods his body with life and cleanses him of disease and pain. In Jesus' name, that his arteries will not shrink or become clogged. Neither is there plague in his arteries. That his arteries are clean, elastic, and are functioning as the LORD God created them to function. That the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is dwelling in Jack, permeating His life through his veins, sending healing throughout his body.'

  143. Hi Richella, it's 2.01pm on Tues as I type this, reading that your hubby will be in surgery for nearly 8 hours means he may possibly still be there right now. I am lifting Jack up in prayer, praying for the Dr's too that He will guide their hands today.
    Love you sweetie. He is mighty and He is strong... we have nothing to fear.

  144. Praying for peace beyond all understanding and the best possible outcome!!


  145. I made it here from Chatting at the Sky. I am praying for your husband and whole family! May He lay His healing hands upon your husband and bring you peace and comfort.

  146. Praying for wisdom of the doctors, steady and sure hands of the surgeons, peace and comfort for you. Here from Emily's Chatting at the Sky and in awe of the prayers being lifted for you today. Be blessed.

  147. I'm praying for strength, wisdom, and healing. God bless you and keep you close to Him.

  148. May the God of life bring healing, may He guide the doctors, and breathe his wisdom in the operating room. May he be with your husband and calm, and hold his mind, and his hand as the surgery progresses. Holy Spirit surround Jack today, be with Richella, as she waits, and touch the hearts of her little boys. I plead the protection of the precious blood of Jesus over them, and for your love to flow, your healing to flow, in Jesus name Amen.

  149. Came via Emily to let you know that I am praying for your huband. I also had open heart surgery so know a bit of what you are going through. I'm asking the Lord for a deep sense of peace and comfort - a successful surgery and a quick recovery. Blessings!

  150. Praying for you, your husband, your boys. Love from Scotland!

  151. Praying for your husband, for you, and for your dear family.

  152. Coming over from Emily's blog..praying for your husband and your family. May God hold you all in the hollow of His hand!

  153. I'm a little slow to read the Chatting at the Sky post (blame the time difference - I'm in Australia) but trusting all is well and praying his recovery will be speedy and flawless.

  154. Amazing Heavenly Father. Thank you for the successful surgery today. Please continue to be with this family as they walk through the days ahead. Bring healing and peace and comfort to them. Thank you for the ways you have allowed us to communicate and minister to others who are part of your family. Amen

    Blessings and it is nice to meet you.

    Augusta, Georgia

  155. So glad to hear the day went well!!

    Continued prayers for you all!


  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. Richella....Emily's blog...Chatting at the Sky is one of my most favorite blogs. When I read her post just now I knew that I had to post a comment to you and your dear family to let you know that you are now in my thoughts and my prayers. I have just prayed for all of you. May our dear Lord bless you with strength and most of all a speedy recovery to your DH. I am sending you much love and many, many hugs to a dear and sweet new friend.


    April 12, 2011 7:38 PM

  158. Praying for you and your family, your husband, the hospital staff, doctors, nurses, and eveyone who will come in contact with you today that the dr hands will be led by God himself and you will feel nothing but peace the entire time. Also praying for a very fast recovery time with very limited pain and that all who come in contact with you at the hospital will see God's fingerprints all over you!

  159. Coming late to this prayer group, but offering them for good and complete recovery, for peace of mind for mom and boys, for a long life ahead. May you know the peace of Christ in the very cells of your healing body, Jack, and may that peace spill over into the life of your family as you recover.

  160. Richella,

    I have been praying for Jack, you, and the boys since reading your first post concerning his surgery. May God surround you with His Love and assurance through each step of Jack's healing.

    You all will be in my thoughts and prayers...

    Sending hugs from SC,
    Misti Yates

  161. Came over from 'chatting at the sky'-hope that all went well with the surgery-God's continued blessings to you and your family.

  162. Please know you are in my prayers. May God continue to bless you with strength and courage while you travel this difficult road.

    With God all things are possible.

    Virtual hugs to you!

  163. Oh how you are adored sweet friend...

  164. thankful that he came through the surgery and praying for the fullest of recoveries.....

  165. Praying for a smooth and peaceful recovery! A joy to meet you at Blissdom.

  166. I have begged GOD not to take Jacob from me... to bring us together. But he has moved and we are no longer in contact. Audrina is helping us but hurt feelings are starting to come between us. Demons, negativity, and black magic is surrounding this situation please in the name of Jesus cast all these things. I have tried to keep a strong sense of Faith but I am struggling. Please ask GOD to bring Jacob back and help put a light back in my life.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read every one; they make my day. If you have a specific question, please be sure your email address is attached to your profile or leave your email address in the comment; I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Every blessing!