Hello, friends! Thank you for joining me here for prayer.
I like to start every day with the Lord's Prayer, and I pray throughout the day for various needs. But sometime during my workday, I like to pause and just spend a moment apart—a little time to re-orient my thoughts, a brief respite to center my thoughts once again on God.
If that sounds like something that would be nourishing to your soul, too, I'd love for you to join me. Here are small prayers to share for each day of the week.
Pause for prayer: Lord, we worship you alone. So many things in this world clamor for our attention, tug at our hearts, commandeer our time--but you and you alone deserve our worship. Thank you for being a God who is so worthy of praise. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you tell us to love you with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We acknowledge that this is the good and right way to live, but we need your help to put these words into action. Help us to trust you and obey. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, when we’re stressed about all that needs to be done, we are so grateful that our standing as your beloved children doesn’t depend upon us. Thank you for your care for us and for the promise that nothing will ever separate us from your love. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as we reach the midpoint of this week, we are awed to think that we'll never, never get to the end of your love for us. No matter what stretches out before us, your love reaches even farther. Help us to receive it thankfully and share it joyfully. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as we move through this day, we remember that it is only in you that we “live and move and have our being.” Help us to let go of anxiety, recognizing that we are held and loved by you. You hold everything together; help us to trust you. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, as the week winds to a close, we remember that you are with us, and you’ve been with us every moment, even in those times when we felt desperately alone. Thank you for your presence. Help us to rest secure in your embrace, confident of your love. Amen.
Pause for prayer: Lord, you are good. You are good. You are good. We say this over and over—not because you need us to sing your praises, but because we need to remember the truth and live in it. Thank you. Amen.
In my mind's eye, I like to picture all of us pausing to pray these prayers at some point during each day. Isn't that a lovely thought?
Grace and peace to you this week!