Oh, my friends.
Yesterday, January 6, was Epiphany. It may be that your tradition doesn't recognize Epiphany as a special day—I'd never heard of it until I was well into adulthood.
Simply put, the feast of Epiphany celebrates the revelation of Jesus to the Gentiles. The particular event marked by many churches is the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child. Of course, this didn't take place 12 days after Jesus was born, but having a special day to celebrate makes a lot of sense to me.
In other traditions, January 6 marks a celebration of the baptism of Jesus, particularly because it's the revelation of Jesus as God. (Remember that the heavens opened and God's voice was heard saying "This is my beloved Son"? Jesus was more than just the son of Mary and Joseph; he was the Son of God.)
But in the United States January 6 will now be remembered as the dreadful day that people—U.S. citizens—stormed the U.S. Capitol. If you've read this blog for any length of time, you know that I don't talk about politics. I have opinions, of course, but I don't express those opinions online. I don't intend to change that policy.
Yet I cannot be silent today. This was terrible. These acts were treasonous, and I believe that committing them in the name of Jesus was blasphemy. Yet I don't think we can dismiss this as the action of "thugs." Sure, many of the people who did this were thugs. But it appears that some were ordinary citizens who allowed themselves to be caught up in evil, who cooperated with evil, even though many of them felt that they had been tasked with saving the nation from evil. Make no mistake: their actions were inexcusable, and I am outraged at them, but my overwhelming feeling today is sadness. I am sad that people can be so easily led astray.
And so I want us to reclaim January 6 as Epiphany: a day when eyes are opened, when Jesus is revealed.
I want us to remember that Jesus came not as a ruler flaunting his power, but as a helpless baby who grew up to live a life guided every moment by the Spirit, who taught us to love God and love one another, and who sacrificed his life in order to save us. I'm reminded today of the words of Philippians 2, who describes Jesus as one "who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!"
My prayer is that our eyes will be opened to the truth of what Jesus did for us—that the eternal Son of God became a human being so that all humans can become sons and daughters of God. Our place in the family of God is not dependent upon anything on this earth.
Friends, we live and work by the grace of God. Remember, grace is not just forgiveness; it's God at work in our lives. We woke up this morning in a world created by God. We breathe air provided by God. As the apostle Paul said to people in Athens, "God himself gives life and breath and everything else. . . . In Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17).
We live by the grace of God. We are tasked with growing in that grace. And we are privileged to reflect that grace to everyone around us. That's why I started the Grace at Home party years ago—to celebrate all the ways we try to make our homes places of grace.
If y'all would like for me to continue to host this party, I'd be glad to do so. Please let me know.
For now, here it is: a chance for you to link up any post you've written that demonstrate how you're filling your own home with truth, goodness, and beauty.
- DIY projects
- decorating
- recipes
- hospitality
- homemaking tips
- parenting
- marriage
- faith
- self-care
- soul care

ReplyDeleteGreat post!!
Happy New Year!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to host each week!! It truly is appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
My tradition didn't (and still doesn't) recognize Epiphany but I wish they would. I learned about it from my neighbor (her tradition didn't recognize it either). There are many rich times on the calendar that we can use to strengthen our faith in the power and goodness of our God! I've been so sad too about how easily we humans can fall prey to doing the wrong things. All the more reason we need God.
ReplyDeleteEpiphany was always the celebration of the Magi in our household, and all of Christmas remained intact until at least that day, celebrating the season. I will choose to see yesterday as an anomaly of what our country ever was, is, or will be, and nothing more. We are better than that. I pray and have faith that God will always be there for those of us who choose good over evil. Yes, please, continue this platform of grace.
ReplyDeleteI understand that the time you commit to managing this platform is time you could spend in a dozen different ways...
ReplyDeleteI appreciate this gathering and your investment here.
Thanks for hosting us each week. I left a refrigerator pedestal diy for better handicap access.
ReplyDeleteWell said. I am still in shock watching those images. I've celebrated Epiphany (Three Kings Day for us) since I was a child, as it is tradition in Puerto Rico. For us, Christmas Day was a quiet day reserved for the birth of Jesus. And Epiphany was when we did the big celebration.
ReplyDeleteThe events of this week have truly been heartbreaking and I feel like I'm still trying to process it all. I've had Graves Into Garden by Brandon Lake and Elevation Worship on repeat this week. Sending you hugs and thank you for hosting, CoCo
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the grace of God's Gospel today, Richella. We rest in the fact that all this is in HIS hands... He has ordained everything, and HE is sovereign. It's for our good and His glory, even if it doesn't look good to us! Thank you for being bold! And thanks for the party, too!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for hosting and wishing you all the best in 2021.
ReplyDeleteVery powerful post, Richella! THANK YOU for sharing and thank you for hosting! :-)
ReplyDeleteVery well said, Richella. Like you, I feel such a sense of sadness. Blessings to you!