Monday, July 11

A new linky party: Grace Imparted

I was privileged to attend a spiritual retreat last week, a time of teaching and reflection that was like water for thirsty souls. As we spent time enjoying the beauty of our surroundings and time devoted to prayer and fellowship, one of the speakers reminded us that everything--every good thing that we see, enjoy, and benefit from--is a gift from God. Everything comes to us as grace from God.

We use the word "grace" a lot, and when asked to define it, we usually say something like "Grace is unmerited favor." And while that definition is true, I think maybe it's not quite enough to reduce our idea of grace to a four-word definition.

I think we should talk about grace. I think we should share our awe and our wonder. So I'm asking you to join me in talking about it.

Starting next Monday, I'll host a new linky party called Grace Imparted. I want to hear about any grace you've received. Perhaps you've been moved by a special message from God. Maybe you've taken a photo of something that stirs your imagination. Perhaps you've received a special gift. Or maybe you've received a very ordinary gift, but you've been touched with the understanding that it's from the hand of God. Maybe you've been working on a project and everything has fallen neatly into place. Perhaps you finally finished something that's taken you a long time to accomplish. Or maybe you've just been given the eyes to see something that's been true for a long time. Whatever the grace imparted to you, I'd like to know about it.

Will you join me? Will you share with all of us your stories of the grace, large or small, you've been given? I hope so!

Imparting Grace

I'd love for you to take this button and help me spread the word. The party will begin next Monday, July 18, at 6:00 A.M. I'll keep the linky active for several days, so that you'll have ample time to join. Whether there are three or thirty of us, we'll share our stories of grace and celebrate the fact "every good and perfect is from above" (James 1:17).

**I'm joining Amanda for Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now**


  1. Very excited about this party. Nothing like talking about God's Grace. Your retreat sounds like a terrific experience. Can't wait to hear more about God's grace on your blog.

    Thanks for the sweet comments at my blog. I wish I could hug you!

  2. I will be there with bells on Richella! The post I just shared yesterday will be perfect for it and I think this is an absolutely fantastic idea. Thank you for heeding the nudge! :-)

  3. Brilliant idea! Now that's a party that I'd love to join. God has done so much for hubby & I lately & I keep telling myself I need to write it all down, maybe this party will give me the drive to do so. Often when we think of grace we forget how grateful we should be for it, especially for the smallest of graces that we usually take for granted day to day. Can't wait for the party!

  4. Hi Richella! hopping over to see you from Traci's blog! I have stopped in here from time to time... and I really need to do it more often.
    Hope you have a blessed day!
    - {darlene}

  5. I'll be thinking about what I can contribute. Carla

  6. Oh, Richella!
    I'll be here!
    My daughter, Alyssa, and I were driving around doing errands yesterday, and I couldn't stop thinking about you--so I prayed for you and your family.
    I haven't come by here for a few weeks. Busy summer!
    But, I have missed you!
    Then I see that you came by my place today. How funny.
    Just wanted to tell you that you've been on my mind and in my heart!
    Can I link up something I wrote awhile ago?
    Love you, sugar!

  7. Yes, maam. Will be there--Beth

  8. Thank you for the DM about this. I would love to participate! God's grace is something I never want to take for granted.

    Blessings and love,

  9. Hello Richella! I'm still on our four-week excursion (without internet), but I managed to grab a few hours of on-line connection. I'm checking up on my favorite blogs, and I was so thrilled to see that you're doing this linky party. What a great idea! I'll be sure to play along when I get back.

    Missing you!


  10. Hi Richella,
    Love your name by the way!!
    Am just coming over from the picket fence. Loved your post about the gardenia and how God brings such beauty out of bad situations.
    That is so very true, and was so greatly illustrated thru your gardenia story.
    Lovely......and what a great idea
    for a meme.
    Blessings for many stories of God's
    Great Grace!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I read every one; they make my day. If you have a specific question, please be sure your email address is attached to your profile or leave your email address in the comment; I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Every blessing!