And then yesterday it was empty. The younger boys will be home today, but for awhile things were eerily quiet. And what did I do? I could have read a book or taken a nap or sipped a cup of tea or prayed or just about anything else for hours. Uninterrupted. Instead, I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, frantically trying to get things done. No one was forcing me to be crazy-busy. There were no children to care for, no meetings to attend, no carpool lines to navigate, no deadlines to meet. I forced the craziness on myself.
And I accomplished almost nothing.

So today I am backing up, quieting myself, remembering these words of wisdom. Maybe you need them, too.
Much of our acceptance of multitudes of obligations is due to our inability to say No. We calculated that the task had to be done, and we saw no one ready to undertake it. We calculated the need, and then calculated our time, and decided maybe we could squeeze it in somewhere. But the decision was a heady decision, not made within the sanctuary of the soul. When we say Yes or No to calls for service on the basis of heady decisions, we have to give reasons, to ourselves and to others. But when we say Yes or No to calls on the basis of inner guidance and whispered promptings of encouragement from the Center of our life, or in the basis of a lack of any inward "rising" of that Life to encourage us in the call, we have no reason to give, except one--the will of God as we discern it. Then we have begun to live in guidance. And I find He never guides us into an intolerable scramble of panting feverishness. . . .Life from the Center is a life of unhurried peace and power. It is simple. It is serene. It is amazing. It is triumphant. It is radiant. It takes no time, but it occupies all our time. And it makes our life programs new and overcoming. We need not get frantic. He is at the helm.
Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion
Blessings to you!
Why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we feel like we have to say yes all the time? Then feel guilty when we finally get the courage to say no? Even though a lot of my "yeses" have been turned into "nos" for me, I still feel guilty when I have to turn something down. However, the guilt isn't as heavy as it used to be. Maybe I can get used to it down the road! : )
ReplyDeleteSo true, so true. Beautiful, thought provoking words.
ReplyDeleteThat quote is confirmation to me that I'm on the right track. This week with my son away at college and my daughter at Driver's Ed., I've had the precious gift of time. Each morning I've enjoyed a lengthy quiet time with the Lord and each day I've put aside my agenda and asked for His.
ReplyDeleteMy agenda would have accomplished much writing and business stuff, but I found that the agenda He gave had precious little writing on it and some tasked I wouldn't have imagined. The result, though, is that I've gotten done some things that will help me in upcoming weeks and I'm filled with peace and joy.
Even son, this morning I was thinking, "But I still have all this stuff to do and I didn't touch it this week." My heart said it was fine, but my head was thinking maybe not. Your post confirmed to me that my heart is right. Thank you!
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless You ~Ron
thanks for sharing today; i needed that.
ReplyDeleteI am very guilty of mimicking the chicken with its head cut off as well. That's never fun. Or attractive. ;) Good for you for letting your body, soul, and spirit rest! :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the reminder to rest :) i hope you are taking your own advice and slowing down. i know from experience that if you don't get to the laundry today it will still be there tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThanks for that gentle reminder. Carla
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to not rush around like crazy sometimes, this was a lovely post to read. Have a great Sunday