I talked with the receptionist in my doctor's office this morning. She was helpful and friendly, and when I thanked her, she answered cheerfully, "You're welcome."
I was stunned at how glad my heart was to hear these simple words.
You don't hear them much any more, do you? People say "thank you" a lot, but the reply is usually "No problem," "Sure thing," or maybe "My pleasure." Very few people use the traditional reply of "You're welcome."
It occurred to me that it's sad for "you're welcome" to have fallen into disuse. Why? Because I need to be reminded that I'm welcome. For someone to make space in his or her life for me--to help me, to assist me, to encourage me, to accommodate me--those things are all important. Those are the kinds of things to which I might say "thank you," and rightly so. Somehow it's very reassuring to me to hear that I am welcome in that person's life and space.

I need to hear it from God, too. As I consider all his blessings, I can't help but thank him. I need to be reminded that he's glad to bless me, glad to make room for me, glad to share his life with me. I need to listen as his gentle voice says, "You're welcome."
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and comes down from the Father of lights,
and comes down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning" (James 1:17, NKJV).
What about you?
**I'm joining Vanessa and Heather At the Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday