I have a problem with wishing.
These days, I wish that the last vestige of summer would be gone and the crisp, cool days of Autumn would begin.
But before long, I'll be ready for Autumn to be over and I'll be wishing for the Christmas season to arrive.
Then it will be Winter, and I'll be wishing mightily for Winter to be past and for Spring to arrive.
Spring will come, but with it will come lots of pollen and probably lots of rain, so I'll start wishing for the blue-sky days of Summer.
Summer will linger, and I'll wish for Autumn to come quickly. And it'll start all over again.
Another year will have passed, long on wishing but short on savoring.
Lately I've felt that God sees me wishing the days away and wants something different for me. I've heard Him inviting me simply to rest in His presence every day and to enjoy the gifts of each season.
The trouble is, I tend to think of God's "gifts" in broad, expansive terms, often forgetting to look for the small, specific gifts that might fill my days. And while I'm looking for universal beauty, tiny treasures can go unnoticed. Do you know what I mean?
So right now, in this no-longer-summer-but-not-quite-fall season, I'm practicing the discipline of keeping my eyes open, of noticing small things. Turns out that there is beauty everywhere if I just have eyes to see it.
Like these mushrooms growing in the damp soil right next to my driveway.
Or this tiny frog perched on a basket on my front porch.
Can you see him?
Dear Lord, forgive me for going through my days with my eyes closed to the beauty around me, never seeing what is here while I wish for the next thing! Help me to notice the small things so that I can rest in Your presence and enjoy the gifts of this season with You.

Lord willing, the next season will arrive soon enough; I'll be savoring this one while it lasts.
What about you? Do you struggle with wishing the seasons away? Want to join me in the discipline of noticing small things?

These days, I wish that the last vestige of summer would be gone and the crisp, cool days of Autumn would begin.
But before long, I'll be ready for Autumn to be over and I'll be wishing for the Christmas season to arrive.
Then it will be Winter, and I'll be wishing mightily for Winter to be past and for Spring to arrive.
Spring will come, but with it will come lots of pollen and probably lots of rain, so I'll start wishing for the blue-sky days of Summer.
Summer will linger, and I'll wish for Autumn to come quickly. And it'll start all over again.
Another year will have passed, long on wishing but short on savoring.
Lately I've felt that God sees me wishing the days away and wants something different for me. I've heard Him inviting me simply to rest in His presence every day and to enjoy the gifts of each season.
The trouble is, I tend to think of God's "gifts" in broad, expansive terms, often forgetting to look for the small, specific gifts that might fill my days. And while I'm looking for universal beauty, tiny treasures can go unnoticed. Do you know what I mean?
Like these mushrooms growing in the damp soil right next to my driveway.
Or this tiny frog perched on a basket on my front porch.
Can you see him?
Dear Lord, forgive me for going through my days with my eyes closed to the beauty around me, never seeing what is here while I wish for the next thing! Help me to notice the small things so that I can rest in Your presence and enjoy the gifts of this season with You.

Lord willing, the next season will arrive soon enough; I'll be savoring this one while it lasts.
What about you? Do you struggle with wishing the seasons away? Want to join me in the discipline of noticing small things?
Joining Jennifer Dukes Lee for Tell His Story
3D Lessons for Life for Thought-Provoking Thursday
Missional Women for Faith-Filled Friday
3D Lessons for Life for Thought-Provoking Thursday
Missional Women for Faith-Filled Friday